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Working on Team-PR Students and Teamwork February 20, 2008

Filed under: public relations — amandalopez @ 10:58 pm
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teamwork.jpgI don’t know what it is but when I am put on a team I immediately want to take charge. Maybe your the type of student who immediately stays quiet and observes. Others, do a bob and weave sort of team work job, and come in and out of conversation. I ateamwork.gifteamwork.gifm constantly bombarded with roles and with who should do what.

I think it’s difficult in school to work on a teams particularly because of our schedules and the occasional power trip.The fact that students do not work eight to five has poses a potential problem in itself. From my experiences and being I senior I think that the key to great teamwork, as cheesy as it maybe, is communication. Hurt feelings and fluffy language and stress combined can damage any team, but add bad scheduling on top of that a it’s a recipe for disaster. Communication to me is a two-way street. You have to set friendship, sensitivity and the desire to dominate aside. I found that the most productive meetings include forms of constructive criticism and commitment to finish successfully.I am currently in a campaigns class right now and at one point wanted to throw my computer out the window from frustration.

Understanding what disturbs your team members and being able to vocalize those pains is important and makes it a comfortable space to work. Here is a great article about surviving teamwork in school and offers some great tips for those of you venturing into public relations. I also recommend looking up some articles about teamwork in the workplace because its a great way to get some insights for the future.


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